Bob Huey invited Brooke and I to go on a hike in the Grapevine Mountains in Death Valley with a bunch of the China Lake Mountain Rescue Group members. We hadn't been doing much hiking for a while, so we thought it was a good opportunity.

We camped near Titus Canyon Saturday night. Sunday morning we got up early and drove to Red Pass. First we climbed Thimble Peak (6381 ft). From there we hiked cross country to Corkscrew Peak (5804 ft), then down to the road where we had left a car on Saturday. It was a pretty long day, but still fun. We haven't done much hiking without trails to follow, so this was a change of pace.

Click on the map to open a new window with the full Death Valley map.

Group picture at Red Pass before we started hiking. Not too long after sunrise...

We left the three trucks at the top of Red Pass and started hiking up towards Thimble Peak early Sunday morning.

The group hiking up from Red Pass.

Looking out past the Panamint Range to the Sierras to the west of us. Mount Langley and Mount Whitney are the two taller snow covered peaks.

Looking South at Thimble. We climbed up the West (right side in the picture) side of the peak, and then down the North-East (left side in the picture).

Everyone at the top of Thimble.

The sand dunes in Death Valley from the top of Thimble Peak.

Starting the decent of Thimble and making our way towards Corkscrew Peak.

Brooke and I in front of Thimble.

Interesting rock formations on the way down from thimble.

People walking down the ridge with Thimble in the background.

Bob eating his Big Mac.

Brooke taking the last couple steps up to the top of Corkscrew Peak.

Brooke and I on top of Corkscrew Peak with Thimble Peak right behind us.

Back down on the road where we left the car Saturday night looking back at Corkscrew Peak.